North Star Farm Tour is a learning community of people dedicated to safe, fun, educational agritourism. We are privileged to work in close association with a number of nonprofit. public and academic organizations for the benefit of our lifelong learning and the public we serve. This page links to resources and reports that are valuable to us, and shared for the benefit of others. We welcome feedback, inquiries and new resources that can add to this growing library.
Workman, Jack G. Farm Member Needs Assessment (2020), University of St. Thomas.
This study was conducted among active members in the fall of 2020 using Qualtrics and phone interviews to satisfy requirements of the Entrepreneurship Program Business 200 Course.
Grube, Chad A. Building a Social Media Strategy (2021), University of St. Thomas.
This evaluation of North Star Farm Tour’s member needs for marketing capabilities resulted in comprehensive investments in social media improvements for the 2021 Annual Meeting.
Link, Kiefen C. Evaluating Board of Directors Reactions to Findings of the 2019 SADG Grant Evaluation using SWOT/C Analysis (2022), University of St. Thomas
In January 2022, a working session of the NSFT Board was held with facilitation by St. Thomas Business 200 student Kiefen Link to identify strategic opportunities for the future of the organization.
Wustenberg, Lauren R. Exploring North Star Farm Tour as a Sustainable Agri-Tourism Model for Small Producers, Final Grant Evaluation (2022), North Star Farm Tour.
Three-year longitudinal Qualtrics survey in cooperation with Vermont Law School Center for Agriculture and Food Systems to evaluate the 2019 Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
The Green Book (2022), Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Final report published for evaluation of the 2019 Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.