Board of Directors
North Star Farm Tour Board of Directors
The Board of North Star Farm Tour is elected by the active members who attend the annual meeting each October. Service on the Board is voluntary and uncompensated. Board members are bound by the legal requirements of the State of Minnesota as fiduciaries of the 501c3 nonprofit educational organization.
Melodee Smith
2021 Board President & Co-Chair of the Farm Safety & Health Project. Minnesota’s largest registered herd of Royal and Trim Tibetan Yak roam 40 pastoral acres of Clear Spring Farm in Welch, MN thanks to the Smith’s passion for the gentle animals.
Jessica Anderson
Promotion Committee Chair
Jessica owns Frosty Acres Alpacas in Bricelyn, MN. She raises a small herd of colorful and friendly Huacaya Alpacas. She has been the social media manager for NSFT since it began. In addition to raising alpacas she is a nurse, a passionate knitter and a knitting teacher.
Wendy Wustenberg
2021 Board Secretary & Co-Chair of the Farm Safety & Health Project. Windswept Hill Farm in Farmington, MN is home to rare Leicester sheep and opportunities for awakening the creative spirits of all ages.
Sue Wiegrefe
2021 Board Treasurer from Prairie Plum Farm in Mabel, MN. Sue Wiegrefe’s mission is to nurture the land, protect the watershed, and work with nature to produce wholesome food and a regenerative experience for inhabitants and visitors.